Sunday, January 09, 2011

Update on Hurley and online classes?

So Hurley had the second surgery and we went to see him yesterday.  My sister, the baby, my youngest son and I drove down to visit.  He is doing so much better than he was.  I am so relieved.  After speaking to the vet this morning, I am even more encouraged, as she said he is putting weight on the back legs and they are much more optimistic that he is going in the right direction.  Fingers crossed, he will come home in the next couple of days.

He still has quite a long road and recovery ahead, but I am optimistic that we will stay going in the right direction.  Hubby and I are going to see him later today after I ride.

Here is a pic we took yesterday:
He has quite the fan club at the vet.

As for other things... I am taking online classes this quarter and I can't really decide if I really dislike online classes or if I just miss going to campus more than two days a week.  I have two online classes this quarter and one regular class.  I think that after this quarter, I will not take any more online classes if I can help it.  I don't find them nearly as engaging and I don't like not being able to see the instructor when I have a question..and it could just be my age talking.. I am just not as "comfortable" in the online classroom as I am in a traditional class.

Any one else try online classes and find them more difficult?

Happy Sunday everyone...

Thursday, January 06, 2011

More Hurley

We are having a set back day.  He is not coming home as planned today.  I am a little worried as they said he will probably need another scan and possibly more surgery today.  Poor Poor Basset.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that he is just being his lazy self, but the doc said he will check on him this afternoon and call us back.

I will update later...

Keeping my fingers crossed.....

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Basset update

I went to visit Hurley yesterday with the hubby.  He is doing fairly well so far, and this morning the doc called and said he can stand and has voluntary movement in both back legs.  This is excellent news.  Although he is not "correcting" yet, the vet said not to worry, he is progressing normally and is doing exactly as they would want him to and expect him to.

Because of his cuteness factor, the vet also told me that he is getting a massive amount of attention.  He laughed and said that every time he walks by Hurley's enclosure, there is a tech in with him loving on him.  That makes me happy and they said we can bring his stuffed animals and rope toy in for him.  We hope to have him home by Friday, as long as he is going potty by himself and standing and walking with help, that may just happen.

Mcgyver has built him an enclosure in the living room and I will take some pics of that later today.  It will be a long recovery, but we are very optimistic.

The incision is pretty long, and it was a little bit of a shock to see him all shaved with all the staples, but he seems to be comfortable.. of course he had the pain patch on still yesterday.

Today, he is on all oral meds and is doing well.  I will be visiting today after class, and will take a couple more pics.  I hope he will be a bit more happy today than he was yesterday.

Monday, January 03, 2011

Our Basset is Broken

This beautiful creature who is only three years old, herniated his disk yesterday.  Right now as I type this, he is in surgery to repair it and hopefully he will walk again.

He lost his ability to use his back legs yesterday and we took him to the emergency vet.  After three steroid shots and a round of prednisone, no improvement, we took him to the neurologist this afternoon, and they did an MRI, and called to let us know the result.

His disk material was protruding about 2/3 of the way into the spinal cord.  Surgery was our only real option for him to reach a good outcome.  So we bit the bullet and now are just awaiting news that he is awake and in recovery.

My sweet McGyver has built him a recovery area in our house as it will be a long recovery for him... 4 to 6 weeks.. poor Basset.. I will update later this week 

Take care


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