Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Yeah I finally won an award! Thanks to Southern Queen Bee over at, she has awarded with me an award...the Honest Scrap Award. Make sure to drop by and check out her blog!  She is one of my favorites!

Here are the rules..
1.) Say thanks and give a link to the presenter of the award.
2.) Share "10 Honest Things" about myself.
3.) Present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me.
4.) Tell those 7 people they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving.

The 10 honest things about myself.. I know this will be the hardest part.

1.   I  read even when I should be doing other things.  Reading is my biggest pleasure and my biggest time waster.

2. I have not ridden my horse in two months and I am feeling really guilty about it.

3.  I was allergic to anything that tasted good until I was 17.  My first taste of chocolate was at my Dad's place of work.. the dairy.

4.  I am an orphan now, and miss my parents horribly.

5.  I was a widow at 30 and only remarried two years ago but still miss my late husband.

6.  I love the smell of coffee even more than I like the taste

7.  I cheated on my confirmation test with three other girls and got caught by my grandmother in the bathroom of the church.. How humiliating.. we were 14 at the time.

8.  I wanted to go to boarding school in Kentucky with my horse but my parents said no.. so I was heartbroken.

9.  I love to write, but I am not very skilled at it.

10.  I read other peoples blogs much more than I ever post on mine and wish I had half the talent of the 7 I have chosen..

Enjoy and Please remember to visit Missy at Southern Queen Bee and these FABULOUS others I have listed below!

I finally finished this post.. I was very busy with work the last couple of days.. and will be for the rest of the week.. and then.. stay tuned.. the real estate drama is almost over.. and I shall have a covered arena when we are all finished!

Thank you again to Missy for giving me the award.. now I am off to let the wonderful seven above know about the award I have passed on to them!

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