Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cruising Along

I am just so exhausted these days.. I have not really had anything meaningful to put down. I have tons of swirling thoughts that spin around in my head and almost make it out of my fingertips onto the electronic version of my journal, yet, somehow, they haven't quite made it that far.

I have conflicting thoughts right now. I have been cruising the internet and reading all of these MOST amazing blogs and I am now thinking.. What in the heck am I doing?

Then I realize.. this is my journal for me, whether or not anyone ever reads it or comments on it.. it is my journey to discuss and my place to learn how to write and figure out some things and document my own version of creativity.

I am inspired by several things this week. I am always inspired by Pioneer Woman's blog.. I mean.. WOW!

But today.. I have found serious love.. at Bakerella.. Cake pops are a MUST for me to make when I have an actual kitchen and a freezer that will hold a cookie sheet.

and Southern Hospitality and the blogs that post their yard sale finds

Between Naps on the Porch.. WOW.. met Monday..

I could go on forever.. but those are a few that pop out for this week that could get me in serious trouble.. see I can spend HOURS.. HOURS reading those blogs.. I just wish there was a blog reader job out there that would enable me to indulge in this new found love of mine.. the bloggy world.

I have always loved Dooce BTW...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just stumbled upon your blog and I wanted to second your comment "...this is my journal for me, whether or not anyone ever reads it or comments on it..." Same here. It was a place for me to vent about my riding.

Enjoy your journey.


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